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Catholic Charities Appeal

Dear friends in Christ,

The Catholic Charities Appeal is a direct mail campaign which supports the
social services and evangelization efforts of our local Church here in Philadelphia. It is
a great way that we as a parish can look outside our immediate parish needs and
participate in the good work happening throughout the Archdiocese. As an example,
Saint John’s Hospice has provided meals, support, and community for thousands of
men who have stepped through its doors over the years. It is the Corporal Works of
Mercy lived out right in our midst – and with our financial gift to the Catholic
Charities Appeal, we can help it continue doing this great work. (I also think it would
be great if someone were to organize a day of service there for parishioners. Serving
meals for the men is a powerful experience.)

The Catholic Charities Appeal is conducted through a direct mail campaign. However,
some prefer to give through the parish. Therefore, we will designate the second
collection for the First Sunday of Lent directly for the Appeal. You can also
contribute via venmo or by sending a contribution to the rectory. We will make sure it
gets to the right place.

You will notice a different design for the bulletin this week. Michelle Dooley who has
faithfully served as bulletin editor for about five years has decided to step back from
this work. I am grateful for her efforts. Please send all bulletin announcements to me
or the rectory office moving forward.

May God be Blessed!
–Father Eric Banecker

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