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Don’t let Lent slip by without celebrating this…..

Dear friends in Christ,

On this First Sunday of Lent, the Church calls us to prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving in solidarity with those preparing for the Easter sacraments and as an
opportunity to be renewed in the graces of our own Baptism. Many think of Lent as a
time to “give things up” and, yes, of course, that is a very good thing to do. But
whatever we fast from should open us up to greater generosity and mercy. So if we’re
giving up fast food, can we take the money we would have spent to donate to
Operation Rice Bowl or the Catholic Charities Appeal? If we give up Netflix, can we
use the time not for additional busyness but for prayer? In this way, our Lenten
practices take on a sense of cohesion and help us to increase our faith, hope, and

Above all, let me make this appeal: don’t let Lent slip by without celebrating the
Sacrament of Penance. I will have information about several opportunities to
celebrate this sacrament as we go on in the Season, but for now I will simply remind
you of our normal times: 3:45pm-4:45pm on Saturday and 9:30am-10:00am on

Next week, our parish welcomes Most Rev. Edward M. Deliman, the retired Auxiliary
Bishop of Philadelphia, who will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for 32
young parishioners and school students at the 10:15am Mass. I hope you will
remember these young people in your prayers this week as they prepare to the receive
the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

May God be Blessed!
–Father Eric Banecker

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