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Remember, you are dust; to dust we all return.

October 31: The Eve of All Saints — Hallowe’en

  • 5 pm: Msgr. Joe and the other priests-in-residence will be giving out candy and glow-in-the-dark rosaries until we run out from the porch of the rectory. Adults: stop by for a little cider and beer!

November 1: The Solemnity of All Saints
A Holy Day of Obligation

  • 7 am: Simple Mass
  • 7 pm: Solemn Mass with cantor and organ.
    Note: All Saints is an archdiocesan holiday. The rectory offices will be closed.

November 2: The Commemoration of the All the Faithful Departed — All Souls

  • 6:30 am: Lay-Led Morning Prayer (Lauds) from the Office of the Dead.
  • 7 am: Simple Mass
  • 5:30 pm: Lay-Led Evening Prayer from the Office of the Dead.
    Memorial candles will not be available this year. 

Each Monday in November, beginning November 5.

  • 6:30 am: Lay-Led Morning Prayer from the Office of the Dead for the parish dead. Prayer books provided.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them.

Pray for the dead; the dead pray for us.

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