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Getting Ready for Lent

Dear friends in Christ,

Many of us are probably disappointed about the Eagles’ Super Bowl loss. But
while victory eluded the good guys this year, we have before us the opportunity for
spiritual victories during the season of Lent! In fact, the Collect for Ash Wednesday
speaks of Lent as “a campaign of Christian service.” It’s like a football game, except
infinitely more important! And we have great consolation in knowing that Christ has
already won the victory on the Cross. He desires to win that same victory in each of
us, by our deeper union with him in the Sacraments.

So, before we think about what we are giving up for Lent this year, we should think
first about what the goal is. For those preparing for Baptism, Confirmation, and First
Communion, it is clear: full initiation into the Catholic Church. For the rest of us, it
means being renewed in the graces of these sacraments, and allowing them to become
more operative in our lives.

Our beautiful church will be open each day during Lent so that parishioners may stop
in and pray. I invite families or groups of friends to come together to make a visit as
you are able. Also, please do not let this Lent go by without celebrating the Sacrament
of Penance (also known as “going to Confession”). This Thursday, at 7pm, the
Archdiocesan Eucharistic Revival Committee is hosting a Zoom session called “Why
Confession?” I will be one of the priests on the panel. You can join this special virtual
event at this link:

May God be Blessed!
–Father Eric Banecker

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