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  • 7 pm: The Choir presents Tenebrae, a Solemn Choral Meditation on Holy Week.

Holy Thursday

  • 9 am: Church open for prayer.
  • 7 pm: The Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper, with the Rite of Washing of the Feet. No other Masses are offered that day. Following the repose of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Easter Repository, the church will remain open for private adoration and prayer.
  • 11 pm: Church closes.

Good Friday

  • 8 am: Upper Church is open for prayer.
  • 9 am: Lauds (Morning Prayer) will be said in lieu of Daily Mass.
  • 3 pm: Good Friday Stations of the Cross
  • 7 pm: Veneration of the Holy Cross and Distribution of Holy Communion

No Masses are offered on Good Friday.

Holy Saturday

  • 10 am: Easter Volunteer Cleanup.
  • 7:30 pm: The Most Solemn Vigil of Easter.

Easter Sunday

  • Regular Mass schedule. With the many visitors in attendance, please arrive early to ensure you have a seat for Mass.

Easter Monday

  • 9 am: Daily Mass in the Octave of Easter. The rectory is closed for the day.
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