United by the Most Blessed Sacrament
The Parish of Saint Francis de Sales proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an urban setting to diverse members who form a Catholic community of believers of all ages.
Parish Clergy

Rev. Ryan Nguyen: vnguye07@yahoo.com
Parochial administrator

Rev. Robert F. Lucas
In Residence

Rev. Robert Ngageno
In Residence

Deacon Samual Ujor
Pastoral Associate
Formation Team

Patricia Mallinson DeBonis
Coordinator of Family Faith Formation
Administrative Staff

Colleen Jones
Business Manager

Karen Genzano Hand
Office Manager

Jean Jordan
Parish Secretary
Music Ministry

Isabel Boston
Choir Director

Bruce Shultz
Parish Organist

Wesley Parrot
Liturgical Musician
Liturgical and Facilities Staff

Michael J. Nevadomski
Head Sacristan and Facilities Coordinator

Terence Sweeney

Frank DeFrancis

James Krull
Facilities Assistant
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) were established as a Catholic religious institute in 1845. The IHM Sisters are committed to God and to the Church by the profession of the public vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The charism of the sisters is Love, which continues to manifest itself today in the sisters’ joyful service of God and his people; creative Hope, which puts all its confidence in God’s loving Providence; and Fidelity, which inspires fervor in their vocation in Christ and in their mission in the Church.
912 South 47th Street + (215) 727-3929
Sister Kathleen Cofer, IHM, Superior
Saint Francis de Sales School
917 South 47th Street + (215) 387-1749
Sister Mary McNulty, IHM, Principal
Religious of the Assumption
Saint Marie Eugénie Milleret founded the Religious of the Assumption in Paris in 1839. Her essential vision was one of transforming society through education. From the first community of five young women, the congregation quickly spread throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The Assumption Sisters can be found in the inner city and in the suburbs, in the rural Southwest and in the urban Northeast; they teach in colleges and run after-school programs for children; advocate for immigrants and teach English as a Second Language; work in parishes and offer faith formation programs.
1001 47th Street + (215) 386-5016
Sister Clare Teresa, RA, Superior