March 29 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord [7am Morning Prayer / 12pm-1pm Confessions / 3pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion / 6pm-7pm Confessions / 7pm Stations of the Cross] / National Collection: For the Holy Land
March 30 Holy Saturday [8:30am Morning Prayer and Blessing of Food / 9am cleaning and preparation for Easter / 9am Preparation for Elect, Confessions for Candidates for Full Communion for the next day / 11:30am Review with Servers for Easter Vigil / 4:15 – 4:45 Confessions/ 8pm Easter Vigil Mass]
March 31 Easter Sunday [7am and 10:15am Mass (with reception into Full Communion)] / Parish Social: Easter Egg Hunt after 10:15am Mass